مدونة سودانية تهتم بكل تفاصيل الزول السوداني وما يجري في المنطقة من اخر الاخبار والتراث والفن والسياحة والترفيه والهوية السودانية ,التي تهم السودانين ومن يريد ان يعرف اكثر عن السودان

الخميس، 7 مارس 2019

Marrah mountains in sudan


Is a mountain chain located in the Sudan in the west of Sudan - Darfur, where it passes south of NYALA and the center west of ZALINGEI and north to the suburbs of El Fasher
It is Sudan's second-largest peak after the Red Sea Mountains , Where it reaches 10,000 meters above sea level 


Volcanic mountains with a gradual gradient where there are volcanic lakes filled with rain water flowing from the waterfalls spread along the mountain, giving an attractive view and a beautiful nature 

  the climate

Jebel Marra is characterized by a Mediterranean climate and is relatively temperate. It is also characterized by monsoon rains that start from May to September. The lands surrounding the mountain are fertile and suitable for cultivation of many crops due to volcanic activity in the ancient times.

Volcanic ash and volcanic bombs  are the most important elements of soil fertility, making Jebel Marra region capable of growing many crops such as  (garlic, Egyptian beans, hibiscus, fruits of all kinds)

 Animal Environment

The people of the mountain are characterized by their love of raising goats, cows and sheep, so we find these species as pets.
As for the wild animals in Jabal Marra, we find: deer called (Omtegdim) ' and monkeys such as monkey saplings, apricot monkey and baboon monkeys. Mountain fringes, wild cats, a few spotted tigers and valley fowl


The inhabitants of the mountain are 
Fur tribe, practicing agriculture and trade and often the education is low because of the wars, where the mountain area was under the control of the armed tribes for 13 years since 2003 - 2016
The buildings of the local population spread throughout the mountain up to the top, which is called the GOTTIA. The huts is built with a circular base of mud and a straw roof in a distinctive conical shape.
Jebel Marra is a tourist attraction for many Sudanese tourists or those coming from  outside Sudan

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