مدونة سودانية تهتم بكل تفاصيل الزول السوداني وما يجري في المنطقة من اخر الاخبار والتراث والفن والسياحة والترفيه والهوية السودانية ,التي تهم السودانين ومن يريد ان يعرف اكثر عن السودان

الخميس، 7 مارس 2019

Sudanese Tea

Sudanese Tea

Of the beautiful things you find in Sudanese cafes or Sudanese houses many hot drinks, but we will highlight the day on the Sudanese tea types:

1 / Gentlemen tea with peanuts

It is popular in the center of the Sudan (tea Almtds), a drink popular with many, adding the beans to add to the regular tea to give you a crunchy taste in addition to the taste of sweet tea.

While you are sitting in a Sudanese coffee passes you the vendor of nuts roaming where the beans to add it and your own taste, whether you remove the peel or you prefer the taste salty in it, which gives a special touch to the tea.

2 / tea by the recipes

Also known as tea with dumplings, dumplings (small balls of dough fried in oil)

It is famous for its many homes and in Sudanese cafes, especially high-activity cafés and morning workplaces

It is served with a small amount of sugar along with a main drink which is a milk tea to give you a wonderful taste besides crispy.

There are lots of hot drinks that are typical of the Sudanese and will be discussed in the next topics.

Thanks for reading

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